8 First Date Questions To Ask On A First Date When You Need Questions To Ask On A First Date

Have you ever been on a first date and suddenly ran out of things to say? Had to stare at your date in awkward silence while trying to figure out a question to ask? Here at The Eggplant, we find that those typical ‘First Date Questions’ articles often give boring and conversation-ending questions. Here are eight questions to ask on your next first date to guarantee that there won’t will be a second, because, let's be honest, you probably go on a lot of first dates. You don’t have many Tinder matches anyway, time to nail one down.

  1. Wait, what's your name again?

    This question is especially effective if you ask it around halfway through, at the end of the date, or maybe even multiple times! This is a great conversation starter about why, for some reason, you didn’t remember their name. Plus, if you want to assert your dominance and want someone desperate, this will kickstart the love story to end all love stories.

  2. How much do you weigh?

    After asking this question, you should also demand to see their driver's license to see if they’re telling the truth. Bonus points if you comment that the license must be old and say, “No way, you definitely weigh more!” and mention the strict diet you’re on and how they’re “really confident” for wearing those clothes.

  3. A trolley is heading toward 5 people. You can pull the lever to divert it to the other track, killing 1 person instead. What do you do?

    Personally, I find ethical dilemmas some of the best questions to ask on a first date. What if your date says a concerning answer? This question is a great way to weed out potential crazies, because we all know you’re not one!

  4. Are you going to eat all that?

    This is a great conversation starter to learn someone’s food preferences and eating habits! Plus, once you're happily married with children, you’re going to need to know how much food to fill their plate with. Also, if you’re paying, that food is yours. Feel free to reach across the table to slurp a spaghetti noodle.

  5. Do you think our waiter/waitress is hot?

    This is a great way to dive into a conversation about people's types and preferences! Why do or don’t you find them hot? Do you find me hot? What if I was your waitress? What about then?

  6. There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

    A riddle is a great question to ask during a first date! It’s also a great way to let your date know that you’re smart and a deep thinker. Studies have shown that asking your date riddle after riddle will 100% lead to a text back.

  7. Do you love me yet? Why not?

    In this new era of dating, people will go on dates with multiple people at once. This question is a great way to see if your date is 100% committed and in love with you. Even better, tell them you love them when you drop them off.

  8. Do you follow ‘The Eggplant’ on Instagram and Twitter?


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