Are Sorority Girls the Worst Dressed on Campus?

As you walk through campus on any given day, you are likely to encounter a wide variety of people: professors with oversized coffee tumblers, freshmen dry-humping each other on Landis, student-athletes scootering late to class, and English majors trying to look mysterious. You may even spot a gardener in the bushes, wearing a long baggy shirt and a hat, seemingly weed-whacking a bush away. Oh, wait. That’s just Emma on a random Tuesday. She threw her phone in the bush like a frisbee after she saw a Twitter rumor that One Direction is getting back together (they’re not). After plunging straight into the bush, Emma readjusts her platform UGGs and baggy sweatpants as she heads to lunch at her sorority house. There, she will join 200 other girls who all slightly resemble Adam Sandler as they routinely engage in hot political debates over Taylor Swift’s best album. One of those women is Rebecca Hand, and she had a lot to say on the topic. On Taylor Swift’s album, she’s a Fearless woman herself, but more so on the sorority phenomenon. 

“Some assume that sorority girls are some of the best-dressed people on campus, but in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Sorority girls, we’re a paradox alright! Simultaneously the best and worst-dressed people you’ll ever met,” Rebecca was sweating at this point and had to take off her oversized thrifted sweatshirt, to reveal another one underneath. “Today I walked into my sorority house and saw a girl wearing an oversized Pink Whitney t-shirt and hot pink crocs. Another girl was wearing entirely camo with khaki shorts that made her look like she was going to star in Deadliest Catch. You never know what you’re going to get!”

You’re probably wondering what exactly constitutes a true sorority girl outfit. After the reality TV-esque success of Bama Rush Tok, everyone assumes they wear Lululemon, Kendra Scott, and Louis Vuitton jumpsuits every day. Perhaps Gucci may be an impressive moment for recruitment. But, if you wear anything that resembles a restrictive waistband in a sorority house, people will assume you’re headed to a job interview. As one sister by the name of Polly Pomper explained, “The usual uniform is baggy, old clothes. Bonus points if she thrifted it from her dad’s closet; now THAT is an outfit. Extra points if she thrifted it from her grandpa’s closet after he died.” The only exception is game days, when she wears her little brother’s t-shirts from second grade or a ‘vintage’ infant’s tee they paid $40 for. Polly, being particularly passionate about this topic, further explained, “For pants, it's either baggy running shorts or Walmart leggings, nothing in between; unless it’s Zara. Shoes come in all kinds of varieties– crocs, flip flops, boots that don’t make sense for the weather, Nike Air Forces that used to not be caked in mud, and cowboy boots for fancy occasions.”

A pledge who chose to remain anonymous,  named Chad Smith, attempted to articulate this phenomenon, “The odd thing about sorority girls is they do the extreme switch-up. On a rare Thursday night, the same girl sitting next to you in math class who looks like she cooks meth in her basement morphs into someone you would bring home on Thanksgiving. Seriously, these girls either dress like they are headed to a wedding or Walmart. If you see them out in public, mind your business. It’s no secret that sorority girls like to go out and have a good time. However, there’s a reason that the clock strikes midnight and Cinderella has to get off her elevated surface. ” He’s not wrong, and in either case, it is unlikely she is wearing a bra. All more there is to say is that they definitely have business attire for their internship interviews, it’s just that they might dress like your Uncle Larry on their way to get pre-banded at Pots. 

The Eggplant FSU