The Most Unfunny Person You Know Is Going To Keep Making Queen of England Jokes

We get it. RIP Lizzy. Right before the anniversary of our own 9/11, England experienced what some British “people” could call their own. The only difference was this came in the form of a dead old person who married her cousin and was probably a Nazi. Some frat guys might be chanting USA over and over after hearing the news, others might actually be sad, but more important than all of that are the people who want to turn the situation into a joke just like any other big thing. Despite the news breaking a few days ago, experts in the comedy community have predicted an unfortunate trend occurring within the most uncreative and out-of-touch degenerates. It doesn’t seem like there are signs of stopping, so buckle up because you’re going to have to keep dealing with the bottom-of-the-barrel jokes for a while. 

Just who are these painfully unfunny people? You might be surprised. It could be your closest friends, loved ones, or even you. Most of the time it's touch-starved Twitter addicted 20-somethings but regardless, as the Queen’s death moves out of the mind of the media it's made many concerned for those extra annoying people who can’t read when the joke has died.

“They just keep talking about it and I don’t think he even has any actual connections to England or anything,” said a concerned friend of Tallahassee’s most unfunny bandwagoner. “It was funny for a day but they won’t stop texting girls stuff like how they heard a queen died and asking if they’re OK”.

Not only has this problem spread to unfunny people you may personally know, but it's also been polluting all corners of the internet for days. “I’m heartbroken, I can’t scroll on TikTok without an old British person who barely knows how to use a phone crying about the queen and beans on toast or something,” claimed an FSU psychology student. “The worst part about the whole thing isn’t even the fact that she’s dead,” they added, “I’m honestly more upset that Camilla is technically queen now”. Whether you like it or not, every single social media platform has a million different forms of the same jokes over and over again. If you’re chronically online, which let's be honest you probably are, then this is sure to affect you.

The general public is torn, some want to trash on the queen and beat the jokes into you and the rest of the internet void like a dead horse, while other more normal people have already moved on. Sure it might suck a public figure died, sure you can have your fun, but come on guys, just let it die off already (no pun intended). The only people that should really be bummed are all the millionaires in Suckingham Phalice. Anyways, let’s just hope Princess Diana is giving her an ass-kicking in hell right about now. 

The Eggplant FSU