Girl Shocked to Discover Guy on Tinder Only Wanted Sex


Angela McKale had given up on the old-fashioned way of dating. Tired of creepy guys that were only looking for one night stands, she decided to turn to the one place where girls are guaranteed to find stable and secure guys who are ready for committed relationships: Tinder.

After tirelessly swiping through all of the tank tops and Natty Lights, she stumbled across Brennan who was wearing a sweater and holding a book . “His thick, dark rimmed glasses practically shouted “boyfriend material.”

Winky faces and phone numbers were exchanged and the two met up at Standard for an evening of dancing. They had not stayed out long when Brennan suggested they go back to Angela’s place. Convinced that he was about to profess his love for her, she obliged. Their passionate night of romantic 4-minute lovemaking ended with Brennan leaving immediately after. Shortly after the experience, her attempts to contact him were thwarted. Brennan had not only blocked her on tinder, but he turned on his read-receipt so she knew he was reading her text messages and not responding.

Angela claims she never saw it coming, “I thought he was the one. He was a Philosophy major and he was holding a dog in his Tinder profile picture”. Because nothing says “settle down” like a man holding a dog that weighs the same as your garden-variety cat in his profile picture.

Angela will be returning to app after she recovers from her prior experience. She has high hopes for the future husband she will meet on Tinder but as for Brennan, Angela gives this closing statement: “I will not be giving him a good review on Lulu”.