Surviving Burnout and the Search for a Summer Internship and Coping With Seasonal Depression and Oh God We’re All Going To Die

Whether you’re taking 18 credit hours this semester or studying business, burnout has already arrived for a large sum of FSU’s student body this school year despite it just beginning. Spring semesters are always more difficult for students, especially for those brave few raw-dogging academia without a Vyvanse prescription. Something about the combination of the new year and the winter season makes it hard to romanticize the grind. You may end up eating Kraft Mac n’ Cheese out of a pot while lying in your bed, or you may even end up dropping out! But fear not, for you are (not) alone. 

A recent survey shows that a lot of students are feeling the weight of the Spring Semester Slump. They might not be doing as bad as you are but they are definitely struggling. 

“I am not okay,” says student Freda Kidds. “I had an 8-page paper due last Monday and all I did was write ‘I’m so sorry’ and turned it in. I got an A-. I don’t know what I’m doing.” When asked how her New Year's resolutions were going, Freda said, “I promised myself I was going to cook more this year. I tried to cook rice the other day and I fucked it up somehow. Rice. I’m shutting down.” Rice is indeed very easy to cook, you guys. We’ll drop a banger recipe (rice + water) soon if needed. Stay tuned. 

“I’m chillin’ honestly,” says Finance guy Brendan Alls, “My parents send me like $100 a week.” When asked if Brendan ever felt depressed he said, “Is that like when you can’t stop crying and shit? Yeah, no, I’m not about that pussy shit.” He referenced the ever-elusive ‘gym arc’ as a way to keep the bad thoughts at bay. When asked about the saddest thing that’s ever happened to him, Brendan got deep. “You know, like, when you have to go back to school after winter break is over? Shit’s got me fucked up.” That much, Mr. B. Alls, we can agree on. 

With the summer season fast approaching, the search for valuable summer internships has begun across all years as well, but it seems like hopes for obtaining them are down across the board. “There is no hope,” sophomore Mike Litoris said, “I’m going to have to live with my family all summer and watch Wheel of Fortune with my step dad every night.” Although hopes were sunken for Mike’s internship dreams, he was still looking for the positives. “Maybe I’ll run into my ex-girlfriend there though and we can run it for the summer. ‘Tis the damn season’ type shit.”

Well, it’s not looking too good here at FSU, but at least there’s still a sliver of hope out there. Remember, if you can’t find an internship over the summer, you can always revert back to your old self and have a situationship with someone who you definitely should've moved on from already! And if you don’t feel like being an academic weapon this semester, just drop out!

Easy ACP Recipe:


* 2 cups long-grain rice

* 1/8 cup vegetable oil

* 1/2 diced onion

* 8 oz tomato sauce

* 1 tbsp salt, pepper & garlic

* 3-4 cloves garlic

* 4 cups chicken broth


* 2-3 lbs Chicken Breasts

* 2 tbsp Olive Oil

* 1 tbsp Garlic Powder

* 1 tbsp Onion Powder

* 1 tbsp Chili Powder

* 1 tbsp Cumin

* 1 tbsp Paprika

* 1 tsp Salt

* 1 tsp Pepper


* In a large saute or sauce pan, heat up 1/8 cup oil over medium heat

* Add 1/2 diced onion and garlic, sauté for 3-4 minutes until fragrant

* Add in rice, stirring so it browns but doesn’t burn

* Add in tomato sauce, chicken broth and seasoning. Stir and cover with a lid on medium low heat for 20-30 minutes until the water has evaporated

* While rice is cooking, season chicken and sauté over medium high heat until an internal temperature of 165°

* Once your rice is done, make sure to fluff it before serving 

The Eggplant FSU